The 3rd annual Department of Accounting CPE Day at Middle Tennessee State University will be held Thursday, Dec. 8, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., in the Business and Aerospace Building, State Farm Lecture Hall.
Topics during the seminar include presentations on accounting and financial reporting, auditing, taxation, and ethics. Participants can earn up to 8 hours of CPE credit.
Online Registration
The sessions include:
● How "Legal Thinking" Can Aid the Auditor, Sandy Benson, MTSU;
●Tennessee - Specific Ethics, Mark Crocker, Executive Director of the Tennessee Board of Accountancy;
●FASB Update, Paula Thomas, MTSU;
●Audit Update, Bill Mooningham, MTSU;
●Issues in Taxation, Tim Koski, MTSU;
●General Ethics, Stan Clark, MTSU;
● Leveraging Technology in the Modern Accounting Firm, Eric Clements, Randall Matlock and Associates;
●International Financial Reporting Standards, Jeannie Harrington, MTSU;
●GASB Update, G. Robert Smith Jr. (Smitty), MTSU Department of Accounting Chair